Kodak EXR 200T 5293 (135電影菲林)


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Kodak EXR 200T 5293 (135電影菲林)

Kodak EXR 200T 5293 係鎢絲燈色溫電影菲林,呢筒電影菲林由1992年推出,2004年停產,我們用ISO25-100測試過係有成像~ 可以做練習之用~

O 注意 :此為手工分裝片,內可拍攝菲林張數約36張。因菲林並未清除石墨塗層,所以前往沖洗電影菲林時需以ECN-2沖曬。


ISO:200 (DX code不準確,建議用ISO50或以下進行拍攝)
菲林格式:135 / 負片 / 彩色
建議沖洗方式: ECN-2


Kodak EXR 200T 5293 (135 Cine Film)

Kodak EXR 200T 5293  is a tungsten-balanced color negative film that was first introduced in 1992 and discontinued in 2004. While it may no longer be in production, our tests have shown that it’s still capable of producing usable results when shot using ISO 25-100. This makes it a great option for practice, experimentation, or for those seeking a vintage film look.

O Note: this is a hand-rolled film and typically contains around 36 exposures. Additionally, as the film has not had its graphite layer removed, it must be developed using ECN-2 processing, which may not be available at all film labs.


Additional Information

Film Type: 135/Colour Negative Film

Development: ECN-2

ASA: 200 (the DX code may not be accurate, and it’s recommended to use an ISO setting of 50 or lower for optimal results.)

Exposures: ~35-36


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