
Fujifilm 200 (36) (135菲林)

Original price was: $119.0.Current price is: $110.0.

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Fujifilm 200 (36) (135菲林)
呢款ISO 200的富士中速菲林,有唔錯既色彩還原能力,即使喺光管底下都唔會有嚴重既偏色,又可以提供到細緻同銳利既影像,用黎影人像,膚色自然得黎顆粒又幼細,係一款通用性幾高既菲林。

菲林規格:135 / 彩色負片菲林


Fujifilm 200 (36) (135 Film)
This ISO 200 Fujifilm is a medium-speed film that boasts good color reproduction. It can even produce accurate colors when shot under fluorescent lighting. This film also provides sharp and detailed images, making it ideal for portrait photography. The skin tones it produces are natural, and the grain is fine and subtle, making it a versatile film option.


Additional Information

Film Type: 135/Colour Negative Film

Development: C41

ASA: 200

Exposures: 36

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